FOOD,  Parenting,  Recipes

Cooking with Kids

We were asked by the authors of Cook by Colours to try the book out and let everyone know what we thought.

My daughter loves being in the kitchen. This interest started when we first began homeschooling… I used cooking as a means to make science and math more interesting. Since then, she has assisted me with dinners and lunches countless times.

But now, her absolute favorite recipe book is Cook by Colours. As it says on the cover, it is targeted toward a younger demographic* (Reagan is 9). But the food is delicious, and that is good enough reason to continue using this book.

*Yes, my son does fall into this age bracket, but he is allergic to eggs. And for that reason, we keep him out of the kitchen. Most of the recipes in this book contain eggs. Riley currently has no interest in cooking.

The cookbook comes with a set of color-coded measuring spoons and cups. Reagan was SO excited by the spoons and cups.

Even though the outer box was a bit banged up from shipping, the cookbook, spoons and cups are so securely packaged together that they remained in perfect condition.

Reagan felt the best way to post about this would be to make a YouTube video. I have to say, she was right. Maybe I should hire her as a consultant?

Anyway, here you go. The cookbook in action:

Thanks for watching!