first day of school
FAMILY,  Life in General,  Parenting,  Parties

Big Kids Have Gone Back to School

Well, it finally happened: the big kids went back to school. I kind of thought the day would never come. Remy has actually been going since June, but he did start full-time last week. Reagan has been online since we moved to Birmingham in January, and Riley was online all of last school year. This was a big adjustment for both of them. A new school… both are in Middle School. And a public school, much larger than their private school in Nashville.

first day of school

I’m actually impressed they let me take the standard “first day photo”. It’s hit-or-miss with tween/teens.

I do not have a photo of Remy because he refuses to even walk into school. He simply whines and goes limp. *insert mom eye roll* Honestly, Remy is such a drama queen. I know it is all for show; he has the best time at school. He is always playing and running around with friends when we pick him up.

On Fridays, Remy gets home before Reagan and Riley. So he waits for them to get off the bus. Here’s a short video of that:

My favorite part is (obviously) that he says, “Where’s Mom?” at the end. Hahaha.

Anyway, the first few days have gone ok for the bigs. It’s normal to feel awkward and out of place a little at a new school. We have assured them it will just take a bit of time to find their people and get in a groove.

Back to School Party

On Friday evening, our friends hosted a FANTASTIC back to school party at the church. It was exactly what we all needed. I’m so glad we have found such wonderful friends here. Alabama is definitely home.

back to school party kid draws on pavement at back to school party

Thank you Mindy for the wonderful party!

This Friday, we will be checking out the first home game of the season for our high school. As you probably remember, Reagan participated in the Marching Band in Nashville. She’s in the Symphonic Band at the Middle School. There are 500+ students involved in band between 6th-12th grades. Isn’t that crazy? I can’t wait to take it all in on Friday night. Stay tuned.

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