Ep 7: Is It Food Intolerance or a Food Allergy?
How do you know if the reaction is a food intolerance or a food allergy? This is a fairly common misunderstanding, and I hope to clear a few things up…
Ep 6: Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) and My Boys
One of the ways that food allergies can be treated, if your doctor allows it, is through Oral Immunotherapy (OIT). This should only be done in a doctor’s office, under…
Ep 5: Sharing is [not] Caring
I realize this might sound harsh, but I have a dislike of the concept of sharing. I understand the principle it is attempting to teach, but I do not like…
Episode 4: Diagnosing Remy’s Egg Allergy
The journey to diagnosing Remy’s egg allergy was a little less crazy than Riley’s. Although in some ways, it is still just as long and winded. We first noticed an…
Episode 3: Riley’s Origin Story
Riley’s origin story… sounds like the makings of a Marvel superhero. Maybe it is. That’d be really cool. I wish I could just say, “Well, we gave him a bite…
Episode 2: Where Did the Egg Allergy Come From?
This is easily the most asked question I get – Where did the egg allergy come from? The short answer is I have no idea. The long answer is I…
Episode 1, Dating with Food Allergies
Isn’t that a There is a challenge making its way through the TikTok-sphere right now. I believe it is the brainchild of Alex Hormozi. But basically, it is a…