Untitled: The Unfinished Story

Chapter 2: The Incident

I saw this pin on Pinterest the other day. I have never had a writing prompt show up before, at least not that I have noticed. And this one stopped my scroll. 

I chuckled to myself. Alright. Fine. I’ll start writing. 

The moment I knew I needed to leave **** was easy. It was a Sunday afternoon, I had gone to the movies with my Grandma, cousin, and sister. **** and I had gotten into a fight before because going anywhere without **** was a problem. 

This is one of those big abuse signs that I didn’t notice. They like to isolate you from friends and family. 

I was annoyed that we were arguing over a Sunday matinee with my Grandma. Like really? So I went. And when we walked out of the theater, he was there. Waiting. Unhappy. 

An argument ensued. I am fairly certain my Grandma and cousin had left before the argument. I basically told him to get lost and that I had to run an errand for my mom before going home. The errand was to pick up a few things from the grocery store, which was in the same stripmall as the theater. 

When my sister and I got to Publix, he was right on my tail. Mouthing off. Agitated. 

I was nervous. Now my body is going into fight or flight. I split the list with my sister, told her to grab those things as quickly as possible and meet me in the checkout. I raced through Publix, **** was right there the entire time. 

Panic level is increasing. 

We make it out to the parking lot, and we are practically running to my car. My sister gets in, I almost make it into the driver’s seat. Just as I am about to sit, he reaches in, grabs me by my arms and pulls me from the car. 

Absolute panic. 

My sister gets out, I yell for her to get back in the car and stay there. I was able to toss the keys toward her as he begins dragging me through the parking lot. 

I was yelling for help. I remember the faces of the people watching. No one helped. Everyone was just kind of frozen. This is how people get kidnapped runs through my mind. 

The conversation at his truck is a blur. Lots of the normal abuser BS – I’m sorry. I just love you so much. I need you. Yuck. 

I knew my parents were going to find out about this. There was going to be no hiding this scenario from them. My little sister saw the whole thing. When I was safely in my house, I called and broke up with him. 

Of course, leaving an abusive relationship is the most dangerous time. And I was going to find that out soon enough. 

More chapters available here – Untitled: The Unfinished Story of Me