Christmas in Nashville, 2020

Last year, we were at my parents’ house in North Carolina with no snow for Christmas. This year, their house was covered in it. Figures. We celebrated Christmas in Nashville. For a few days, I thought we might get a white Christmas… the weather called for snow on Christmas Eve. We woke up Christmas morning with a (very) light dusting; I’m not sure it was enough to actually be called a “white Christmas”.

I firmly believe that the week of 12/20-12/27 is the busiest and most insane of all the weeks. The few days leading up to Christmas is always a made dash to get things wrapped, make sure all of the kids have even(ish) gifts. Then house needs to be cleaned, and re-cleaned, and picked up again before anyone comes over (spoiler, it’ll still be a mess). Oh and there’s a million things to cook/bake.

Christmas Cookies

Usually, we decorate our Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve. This year, we opted for the 23rd. My nephew came over to help. Remy loved it. He discovered that cookie dough is delicious and Hershey Kisses are amazing!

Christmas Eve

My sister-in-law invited us over for dinner on Christmas Eve. She makes the best lasagna. Stu was counting down the days till he could eat it.

Allison’s sister’s family was fighting the dreaded Covid, so they couldn’t make it. And her parents spent Christmas in quarantine because of their contact with Em’s fam. They were all missed. We love hanging out with them.

After dinner, we moved back into the family room for a game of Christmas Scattegories. Al’s parents joined us on Zoom. We split into teams of 2 and had a blast. Riley was on my team. I think we tied with Hayden and Allison for second place. Reagan and Shayli won. It was SO much fun.


And just like that, it was time to go home and get snuggled in our beds.


I wasn’t sure how Remy would be. He’s going to be 2 at the end of January, so he doesn’t fully comprehend Christmas. He surprised me though. He was so genuinely excited by his gifts. It was utterly adorable.

Toddler loves his Christmas gifts in Nashville Toddler opens gift on Christmas in Nashville Christmas gifts are ready!

Christmas morning in Nashville

At around 6:30-6:40am, I was in bed when I heard a strange noise and then felt the house move, as though it were being pushed in one direction. It was odd. But I didn’t put too much mental energy into it.

We opened gifts blissfully unaware of the destruction downtown.

Fast forward a bit. My bestie texted me, “Are you guys ok?” I was thinking she must have sent that to the wrong person. She told me about the bombing in downtown Nashville.  

Christmas continued at our house. I did not take many photos; I was enjoying the moment. And I did not take any from Christmas night, when we hosted our extended family for dinner and gifts.

I hope your Christmas was merry and wonderful.

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