Title for Episode 1. Dating and Food Allergies
FAMILY,  Food for Thought

Episode 1, Dating with Food Allergies


Isn’t that a There is a challenge making its way through the TikTok-sphere right now. I believe it is the brainchild of Alex Hormozi. But basically, it is a challenge to spend 100 minutes every day for 100 days focused on something. A lot of the people in my circle took it specifically to be a content-creation challenge, but it could be applicable in many other areas. The idea is that if you are focused and consistent, you will see success.

2023 has been a soul-searching year for me so far. I have been beaten, bruised, and knocked down in these 8 months. The crazy part is that I have never been happier. Seriously. I had a huge smile on my face the other day, and I realized I was just truly happy. Content. To an outsider, my life probably looks like an insane mess, but I’m good.

Hormozi’s challenge has been bonking around in my brain over the last month or so. It’s not the trendy or potentially viral aspect of it that is enticing… it’s the idea of finding my “it” that sparks my interest.

I love writing. Obsessed with it. It has been my therapy for a long time. My real passion has to include writing. And during my tenure at a marketing company, I learned a lot about content creation, marketing and branding… and basically sharing stories. Combine all of that with the fact that I am a mom, an allergy mom, and I think I am on to something.

So, I am challenging myself to shoot and share a video each week. I don’t anticipate the episodes to be long, probably 10-20 minutes each.

Last week, the first one aired on my YouTube channel. In it, I talked about dating with food allergies.

Let me know your thoughts… or if you have specific questions and ideas, send them my way.

I am NOT a doctor. If you suspect a food allergy, please seek medical attention and advice. If you want to do a little light reading or perhaps donate to food allergy research, visit foodallergy.org for more information.

For more episodes of Food for Thought, visit my YouTube channel or the Food for Thought homepage.