Food for Thought

Episode 4: Diagnosing Remy’s Egg Allergy

The journey to diagnosing Remy’s egg allergy was a little less crazy than Riley’s. Although in some ways, it is still just as long and winded.

We first noticed an issue with food when Remy was around 7 months. We had recently moved from south Florida to Nashville, and we were beginning to introduce Remy to solid food. The docs tell you to only introduce one new food each week, so you can monitor the child’s reaction. I was advised to stay clear of plain eggs… Our pediatrician thought it would be best to hold off on that introduction until he was older. Since his older brother has the allergy, she said the chance was higher for him.

Not a problem. I very rarely cooked eggs, very infrequently ate them.

Remy’s First Trip to the ER

One morning, we were eating and noticed that Remy’s neck and face were swollen and red. He was clawing at them. Remy was in his highchair, eating strawberry yogurt puffs. I knew we needed to get to the hospital right away.

I opted for the closest Emergency Room. I would have preferred to go to Vanderbilt, but it is in downtown Nashville, and I was afraid the rush hour traffic would be too much. In an allergic reaction state, it is best to get to the closest ER. I buckled my little guy into the car seat, and off we went.

The ER staff was great. We were seen immediately. Remy looked so small on the big bed. The doctors checked him out, monitored his vitals for a bit. They administered Benadryl and a steroid.

The longer we were there, the more comfortable I felt that this was not an anaphylactic reaction. We would be staying away from strawberries. Simple enough.

baby at the ER for a food allergy reaction

Officially Diagnosing the Egg Allergy

We moved to Birmingham on Remy’s second birthday. And soon after we got here, a fantastic allergist was recommended for the boys. I made the appointment for Remy’s skin test. I will never forget watching this one particular spot on his back become enormous (check out that post for the photo 😮).

There have, unfortunately, been other incidents. On this week’s episode, I talk about a few of the incidents in Nashville, prior to the diagnosis.


Thanks for reading and watching… Let me know if you have any questions or topics you’d like for me to rant about. 🤣🤣


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