Arkansas,  FAMILY,  Life in General,  TRAVEL

Eureka Springs, Arkansas

As you already know, the Stu monsters were asked to participate in my cousin’s wedding. So, it was off to Eureka Springs.

I had no idea what this town would be like… I knew it was in the Ozarks. I knew it would be chilly. That was about all.

We landed in Rogers, then drove about 40 minutes to Eureka Springs. Apparently this town is bustling and busy in the summer… and dead in the winter. No kidding, half the town is closed for December. I can’t blame them. This is what we woke up to on Reagan’s birthday:


Oh well, we powered on.

We flew into town on my mom’s birthday (Although she was not with us. Remember, she was driving.). Our first full day in Arkansas was Reagan’s birthday, and the following day was the wedding. It was a freezing, flurry of activity. With a stunning lack of snow flurries.

Hotel Accommodations

There are several hotel options, even in the winter. Most of the hotels in Eureka Springs are haunted. Some more than others, according to locals and guests. NO thank you. I like the idea of being in a haunted, old hotel, but I am too much of a chicken to actually stay in one. So we booked rooms at the Best Western Inn of the Ozarks.

We lucked out. Our hotel was nice. The beds were comfortable. The hotel had a full restaurant in the lobby. The restaurant served breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast with the Birthday Girl

Half of our meals in Eureka Springs came from the hotel restaurant. We ate breakfast as a family of four on Reagan’s birthday. Stu and Reagan both had hot chocolate. They said it was AMAZING. Riley ordered toast. He said it was the best he’s ever had.

The photo of Riley reminds me of my Poppy. He used to order toast and coffee. I miss that old guy.

Anyway, the birthday girl was LOVING the cold temps and her super cute new clothes (which, if we are being honest, were not warm enough).

Downtown Eureka

Riley flew with my dad to Tennessee to pick up my mom. That kid LOVES to fly. Plus, he would have HATED walking around town. It was best he was gone most of the day.

One day (probably too soon), she will not want to hold her Dad’s hand. This picture makes me warm and fuzzy.

We picked up my aunt and braved the temps to walk around downtown. Unfortunately, most of the stores were closed. But I had so much fun snapping pics and being silly.

In the photo above, the hotel with the green awning is the Baskin Park Hotel. The wedding reception was held in that hotel, on the top floor. This is one of those super cool, old, slightly haunted hotels. The Baskin Park opened in 1905, and it still has that incredible turn-of-the-century feeling. I love it.

 The photo featuring the nutcrackers is the checkin at the Baskin Park Hotel. Finding lunch seemed to be a logistical nightmare. By this time, we had met up with my uncle, the bride and groom, and some of their friends. With so many restaurants in town closed for the season, the ones remaining were packed. It was going to take an hour + for all of us to get seated and fed.

Stu, Reagan and I left the group and went back to our hotel for lunch. We needed to leave at point to pick up Mom, Dad and Riley from the airport.

Walking back to the car, I snapped this photo of Reagan (below). She was having the BEST time.



Thanks for reading!