Lads to Leaders 2021
Lads to Leaders is a national convention for kids in churches of Christ. We experienced our first one with the Stuart church of Christ in 2019 when we lived in south Florida. We fell in love instantly.
While living in Nashville, we attended LRCOC. Reagan and Riley were prepping for the 2020 L2L Convention when COVID brought the world to a screeching halt. Sometime in the fall, our church decided to begin prepping for the 2021 Convention, without any confirmation it would actually happen. And then another wrench was thrown in… we would be moving to a different state! Ugh. Since we moved at the end of January, we decided that our kids would participate with LRCOC (our Nashville congregation).
I’m so glad that it actually took place. Stu and I were ready for the call that L2L had been canceled again… but thankfully, it never came. Reagan would have been crushed. She was counting down the days to see and hang with her friends.
The Opryland Resort
The Nashville Convention is held at the Gaylord Opryland. I was secretly (not so secret) excited to stay at that hotel. It didn’t disappoint. I’d been to the Opryland to see the Christmas lights in 2019, but I have never been a resort guest. The rooms are lovely and clean. We did not spring for anything upgraded, like an interior room or a suite, but I was satisfied with our standard room. Our church reserved a hospitality suite for all of us to hang out in and enjoy. That’s where we hung out most of the day, when no events were taking place. It’s also where we ate together as a congregation. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite things about the weekend. I love the time spent laughing, talking and fellowshipping. Makes me all warm and fuzzy.
Lads to Leaders for the Stus
Reagan and Riley didn’t participate in a ton of events this year. Reagan did speech and Bible Bowl. Riley did Oral Bible Reading and Bible Bowl. I’m SO proud of them! Reagan wrote and delivered an amazing speech. Riley did an excellent job reading to his room of peers and parents. Both kids’ teams earned 2nd place in the Bible Bowl competition.
Happy Easter Sunday
Since the L2L convention is down the street from our church, most of our group leaves Opryland and worships at LRCOC on Sunday morning, instead of with the Lads to Leaders group. We followed suit.
It was family picture day at church. So, obviously we had to get one. =)
We finished the weekend off with lunch at Nanny and Granddad’s house. Remy was asleep before we got on the highway. Thankfully, he slept for most of the ride home.