FAMILY,  Life in General,  Parenting

Random Fall Recap

It’s been a few months since I simply wrote about what we’ve been up to… when I stop to think about it, it amazes me how quickly time is flying by. What’s that saying about motherhood, the days are long but the years are short.

Anyway, fall is here. Well, this week we were faced with record highs – temps in the 80s! In November! Yuck. Mother Nature will be chilling out again this weekend. So that is a plus. Bring on the sweater weather!

The kids and I have kept pretty busy. It seems like there is a party every weekend.

We had DEEP in September. That’s a huge youth group experience that our church hosts. About 300ish teenagers descend onto our congregation for the weekend. It’s a lot of fun. This year’s theme was Forged By Fire… how appropriate.

Every Saturday is spent making yummy foods and watching FSU football. Last month I mastered frying eggrolls. I made jalapeno popper ones. SO SO SO delicious. Next time, I will make a video with the recipe for you. You’re probably thinking “eggrolls? What about the boys?” You are not wrong… I used those eggless (vegan-ish) wrappers I bought a while back. The ones from this video: Read Every Label! But I did not let the boys eat them. And I did not fry anything for them in the same oil.

In October, I went with Remy on his farm field trip. He has asked almost daily when we will be going back to the farm. Since it was an hour away, I’m not too keen on heading back just yet. But it was super fun. I love watching him interact with his friends. They are so cute and innocent at this age. Everything is incredibly exciting.

And we finished October with Halloween – duh. I decided not to host our annual Boo Bash this year. So that was upsetting. Next year, it will definitely make the schedule. Also, I seriously underestimated the amount of candy I needed for Halloween. Trick or treating was INSANE. Shout out to Riley, who sat outside – freezing and dressed like a blue crayon – passing out candy for more than 2 hours while Remy trick or treated.

I love fall. It is so busy, but there is something magical about it.