FAMILY,  Life in General,  Tennessee,  TRAVEL

Visiting The Hermitage

Last year, when we were in Nashville for my niece’s high school graduation, we visited Andrew Jackson’s home, The Hermitage.

I am kind of surprised I didn’t write about it then. Oh well.

Riley was supposed to have a class field trip to The Hermitage this year. He was going to be a docent. His station was the ice box. But he got sick and could not attend.

Visiting the Hermitage

Anyway, back to last year’s trip. When you go, you can choose a self-guided tour of the property. That’s what we opted for. Your tour begins in the theater with a little background information about Andrew Jackson and the property.

Two kids look thrilled to be visiting the historic home of Andrew Jackson

We walked down toward the mansion. On our way, we stopped to watch a duel. If you are lucky enough to catch it, stop and watch. It’s wonderfully informative and entertaining.

The grounds are gorgeous. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

The photo above is taken from the mansion’s driveway with the house behind me. The next is from the same spot, just facing the mansion. The large, old trees make it difficult to get a clear picture of the front facade.

A view of the driveway leading up to the Hermitage mansion

We got in line to enter. They take you inside in small, guided groups. And photography is prohibited inside the house. So I do not have any pictures to share.

Andrew Jackson's the Hermitage

The back of the mansion is gorgeous.

We enjoyed meandering around part of the property. The flower gardens are beautiful. President Andrew Jackson and his wife are buried on the property, along with many family members. And Jackson’s favorite slave “Uncle Alfred” is also buried near by.

The tomb of Andrew Jackson and his wife Andrew Jackson is buried on his property at the Hermitage

The cabin (above) is where Uncle Alfred lived. Guests are able to step inside and take a look around.

I’m glad we spent the day here. I love history. And getting to step back into it with my kids are always excellent.

A few quick tips:

  • Don’t bring a backpack, even if it is a diaper bag. State Parks do not allow them.
  • You are welcome to bring a picnic lunch and eat on the grounds. However, there is a restaurant next to the gift shop. It’s called “The Kitchen Cabinet”. It’s a quick service joint. The food was good. There are not a ton of options, but they were VERY helpful with Riley’s egg allergy.