Mother’s Day Weekend 2020
Nashville has had some nasty weather days lately. But the skies cleared and the temps were PERFECT for Mother’s Day weekend. And I could not be more grateful for the amazing weekend we had.
Saturday was fairly low-key. I woke up to Stu in the kitchen, making pancakes. Yum. Nice way to begin the day. A little later, Stu and I snuck away (with Remy in tow) to Lowes and Target. Remy and I walked around the plant department at Lowes… and he talked to ALL of the people we came across. Like leaned out of his stroller to holler at some old ladies. Ha! It seems he is craving some human interaction from people unrelated. Quarantine has been getting to that boy.
My aunt and uncle came over for a bit in the afternoon. That was fun.
Then we went to visit a special girl on her 13th birthday. Our niece V. The kids were SO excited to see cousins. Of course we obeyed the 6′ rule (kind of, not really). Whatever. We were outside. It was a fantastic driveway party!
My big dinner “out” was Outback. I used my app to order, Stu went to fetch it. It was delicious. Steaks cooked to perfection. But most important: I DID NOT HAVE TO COOK THIS MEAL. So, thank you Stu!
Easy like Sunday morning…
Sunday morning, Stu ran out to grab donuts. After church, Reagan and I spent some alone time at Target (seriously, I could wander aimlessly everyday). We snagged some delicious BBQ from Martin’s and brought it home for the fam. I told the kids I really wanted to get some good photos of the three of them. It has been a long time, like Christmas, since getting a shot of all three.
These are not exactly what I had in mind. But I love them anyway.
And my last request for the weekend, was to take the top off the Jeep and ride around downtown. It was great. We drove by and showed the kids the sights. It was a little sad to see it utterly dead. Almost no foot traffic. Almost no cars. Crazy.
I hope your Mother’s Day weekend was as happy as mine. And I really hope we can go OUT to eat next year. 😉